Intervention Association Indianapolis


2345 S. Lynhurst Drive, #226
Indianapolis, IN 46241


8am – 10pm

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About Our Location

Give Yourself Time at Addiction Recovery
When you enroll into a recovery program, you first question might relate to the length of time you will have to stay at the facility. Intervention Drug Rehab Indianapolis, IN, offers programs that are 30, 60 and 90 days in length. The amount of time will depend upon your specific needs. At some point, you may make it clear that you want to leave early; before walking out the door, consider why a longer duration of time can make for the best situation.

Relapse Prevention
Depending upon your level of addiction and the substance to which you are addicted, you might have a greater chance of relapse if you leave the program too early. Even if you feel as though you are ready to tackle the struggles of life that lie ahead, you may not yet have fully developed the tools necessary to prevent relapse from happening. Take into account how dangerous relapsing is for you and how likely you are to suffer extreme physical consequences, perhaps even death, from using the substance again.

Identity Development
Just because you are leaving behind your drug and alcohol addiction does not mean that you need to lose all elements of your identity. Drugs and alcohol may have obfuscated parts of whom you are, but Intervention addiction treatment Indianapolis, IN, can help you to reclaim those positive elements. Take into account the disadvantages of leaving before those parts of your identity have had the chance to fully come to the surface.
Hobbies and Interests
You might think that your entire time at Indianapolis Intervention Drug Rehab will be spent attending therapy sessions and undergoing supervised withdrawal. While these components play an important role in your road to recovery, you also want to have the time to pursue hobbies and interests. These passions can provide you with a sense of relief, and they also offer you a way to channel your energy. For example, at home, you might turn to drugs and alcohol when you are stressed. By finding out about new hobbies at Intervention Drug Rehab Indianapolis, you can replace your addiction with these activities. However, you need time to find out what you like.

New Friendships
Think about some of the truest friendships that you made in your life. They probably took some time to develop. Friendships can act as a major part of your recovery. In the past, you may have found yourself forming bonds with unsavory individuals who encouraged your alcohol or drug habits. At Intervention substance abuse treatment Indianapolis, IN, you get to meet individuals who are on the same path as you are. The time that you spend nurturing these relationships can help you to retain these sources of motivation and inspiration after you leave this recovery center.

No matter how long you stay at treatment, you are likely to encounter temptation or a negative situation at some point in your life in the future. Therefore, you want to make sure that you have the necessary tools to respond to this situation and not allow it to lead you back to drug or alcohol usage. The more time you spend in the program, the more time you have to learn about both strategies and resources to help you. Knowing that you have a team of support around you provides you with a sense of power during and after your stay.

The duration of your program at Intervention Drug Rehab Indianapolis, IN, depends upon your individual circumstances. However, consider the drawbacks of cutting your stay too short.


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