Intervention Association Charleston


170 Meeting Street,
Charleston, SC 29401



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About Our Location

Has a drug addiction taken over your life? Are your loved ones in fear of your livelihood? Are you tired of worrying about your well-being? Do not let drug abuse deteriorate your health. Live worry free. Enroll in treatment at Intervention Drug Rehab Association Charleston, South Carolina to treat your addiction and finally put an end to your suffering. Their network of providers will help you reach a life of happiness and sobriety.

All patients of Intervention Drug Rehab Association Charleston, SC are treated with their own unique addiction treatment programs tailored by their physicians and psychiatrists. This is to ensure that you get the exact treatments and procedures necessary to achieve complete health. Your program will also be a dual diagnosis program, which means that both the physical and mental symptoms of your disease will have their own specific treatment methods.

Medically assisted detoxification will start your addiction treatment program at Intervention Drug Rehab Association Charleston, SC. To keep you as comfortable as possible during this procedure, your doctors will prescribe you stabilizing medications.

Once your body is ready to live drug free, you will start treatment for your mind in the addiction recovery program. The team of therapists and psychiatrists at Intervention Drug Rehab Association Charleston, SC will provide you with a multitude of therapeutic methods to help put your mind at ease. A combination of group counseling, one-on-one sessions, meditation, and 12-step programs is sure to get you to a stable and worry free state of mind.

As you begin addiction recovery, you will move into your living accommodations at Intervention Drug Rehab Association Charleston, SC. The community of addiction recovery patients that you live with will help you as you begin a new, sober lifestyle. Many of these individuals will become a part of your sober support network. The impeccable furnishings and peaceful atmosphere will help to soothe your mind and relax your body. You will not need to worry about what to eat, as personal chefs will prepare gourmet meals for you in your home. With everything taken care of for you, you will have the luxury of focusing all of your energy and attention on maintaining your sobriety.

The relapse prevention program at Intervention Drug Rehab Association Charleston, SC will further help you in managing your sober lifestyle and teach you how to continue to do so after your treatment program is complete. Group education on stimulants and depressants, professional preparation services, and positive coping mechanisms are all parts of this program. Some of the positive coping mechanisms you will get to enjoy in your free time are hiking, yoga, art, reading, watching movies, as well as going on group excursions to the beach, shopping complexes, and go kart tracks. Many of these fun activities utilize social modes of care to provide you with opportunities to build your sober support network.

Get professional addiction treatment and begin a healthy, worry free life. The intake coordinators of Intervention Drug Rehab Association, South Carolina are ready to help you enroll in your own individualized dual diagnosis addiction treatment program today.


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