Intervention Association Memphis
65 Union Ave, #572
Memphis, TN 38103
8am – 10pm
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About Our Location
Addiction is a serious disease that impacts and changes the way a person processes information. If you or someone you love is struggling to overcome the lure of drugs and alcohol, know that Intervention Drug Rehab Memphis, Tennessee is ready to help you reach sobriety. Our compassionate network of providers are dedicated to delivering effective, comprehensive treatment to those struggling to leave drugs and alcohol in their past. Substance abuse doesn’t have to last your lifetime; take back control of your mind and your actions by seeking sobriety through Memphis, Tennessee Intervention Drug Rehab Association.
If you’ve tried treatment centers and they have failed you before, know that our network of providers operate with more specific, comprehensive programs and treatment options to ensure your transition into sobriety is lasting. Intervention Drug Rehab Memphis operates as a dual diagnosis center, wherein our physicians, counselors, case managers, and nurses provide recovery options targeting both your physical addiction and the mental patters that lead to substance abuse. By treating your body, mind, and soul individually for recovery, our physicians and counselors have much higher success rates in delivering patients to sobriety.
Beginning treatment at Intervention Drug Rehab Memphis, Tennessee starts off with removing your physical attachment to drugs and alcohol. Withdrawals are an often-feared element of the addiction recovery treatment process, but our providers are able to eliminate them. Our medically administered detox is assisted with stabilizing medicines that are non-addicting. This medicine allows your physician and nurses to monitor your progress and safety, keeping you comfortable and relaxed throughout.
Once you or your loved one has healthfully transitioned into sobriety, you will begin the mental treatment process. Living in Memphis Intervention Drug Rehab Association’s facilities during your 30, 60, or 90 day treatment program will provide you with a sober social mode of interaction among other recovering individuals. Staying in our luxuriously accommodating treatment centers allows our network of providers and broad spectrum of services to be at your fingertips. As patients learn to operate without drugs and alcohol, they can use our positive coping mechanisms to deal with stress, emotions, and temptation. These practices include yoga, exercise, meditation, group therapy, one on one counseling, and more activities that will help you maintain control over your thoughts and feelings.
Intervention Drug Rehab Memphis, Tennessee wants its patients to find success in their lasting sobriety. To do so, your case manager, counselor and other member of the network of providers offer simulated interviews, resume development, and other means for you or your loved one to prepare for employment. We will help you make your future worth looking forward to.
Our facility wants each and every patient to receive personalized, individualized treatment from Intervention Drug Rehab Memphis, Tennessee. Our treatment center implements rolling enrollment periods for accepting new patients, allowing us to maintain a low capacity and administer the highest quality of care. If you or someone you love needs addiction recovery treatment to leave substance abuse in your past, get in touch with us today. Addiction doesn’t have to take over your future.