Author: admin


Traumatic Brain Damage and Substance Abuse

Traumatic Brain Damage and Substance Abuse

Brain damage and substance abuse have a familiar and unfortunate relationship. Not only is brain damage caused by addiction, it can be the cause of addiction. These co-occurring mental disorders perpetuate each other, leading to a vicious cycle of anguish, self-medication, and lack of control. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, drugs like […]
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Rave Culture, MDMA, & Other Drugs

Rave Culture, MDMA, & Other Drugs

The ever swelling culture of electronic dance music, raves, DJs, and drugs has made its way into the collective consciousness. Now we all know it’s there, but how much do we really know about raving, the behavior,  and the drugs they use if we don’t take part in it ourselves? For a long time the […]
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5 Signs You’re Drinking Too Much Alcohol

5 Signs You’re Drinking Too Much Alcohol

Most people who like to drink, to get drunk, and have a good time have questioned whether or not they drink too much. Everyone who has this thought wander through their head needs to spend some good time really thinking about if they drink too much, are addicted to alcohol, or simply enjoy a beer […]
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Coming of Age Movies & Their Contribution to Addiction

Coming of Age Movies & Their Contribution to Addiction

Coming of age movies have a profound impact on the culture of our adolescents. The way we think about drug use is often formed and perpetuated by popular culture. The unintended consequences of these films is that someone who is young and impressionable see’s them and forms a perception of drug use and alcohol drinking […]
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3 Addictions in the White House

3 Addictions in the White House

While there may be a number of volatile associations that come to mind when you hear “President of the United States,” one of them probably isn’t “addiction.” Nevertheless, even those who live in the White House aren’t immune from the dangers of substance abuse. Read on to learn about three individuals who struggled with addiction […]
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Webb of Lies: CIA’s Contra Crack Calamity

Webb of Lies: CIA’s Contra Crack Calamity

In August 1996, the San Jose Mercury News published an article on their burgeoning website called “Dark Alliance”. The three-part story, written by Gary Webb, alleged that Contra rebels in Nicaragua had been shipping cocaine to Southern California — and that the CIA knew it. Although it was still the early days of the internet, […]
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Benefits of Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Benefits of Dual Diagnosis Treatment

After years of battling crippling addiction, both addicts and their families may feel disheartened. If an addict is trying their best to stay clean and simply can’t take the pain and anxiety of withdrawal, they may fall once again into the pit of addiction. Now, with extended research on addiction and treatment, we can learn […]
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Inhalants: Teenagers & Chemicals

Inhalants: Teenagers & Chemicals

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) surveyed last year that 9.4 percent of eighth graders will try inhalants in their lifetime and that 4.6 percent of them had tried the easily retrievable drug within the last year. This is at contrast with their statistic for twelfth graders, which reports that only 5.7 percent will […]
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Triggers and Causes of Addiction

Triggers and Causes of Addiction

After someone becomes addicted to drugs, alcohol, food, gambling, or sex, there is no longer any reason to blame the addict or their past. The substance or thrill has taken control, and won’t relinquish its hold until the addict makes the difficult decision of committing years of their life towards detox, residential inpatient treatment, intensive […]
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A History of Cocaine in America

A History of Cocaine in America

Cocaine is one of the most highly addictive stimulants that often results in treatment at an addiction recovery facility. Although, the drug has a history stretching back to the Aztec and Mayan civilizations, it didn’t become popular in the United States until the 1800s. In the past few centuries, new methods of producing the drug […]
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