Author: admin


DJs and Addiction

DJs and Addiction

It seems like the best job in the world: Traveling the globe, mixing for sold-out crowds, and living the VIP lifestyle. But for many DJs, life isn’t all glamour and excitement. Long tours, hectic traveling schedules, isolation, and the rampant party culture all affect DJs and send many spiralling into addiction. And due to their […]
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Addiction and Regard for Others

Addiction and Regard for Others

Addiction is often marked by solipsism, or an intense self-focus that doesn’t leave room for family or friends. When a drug claims precedence over everything else in an addict’s life, they will do anything to find their next fix, consumed by their addiction. Sooner or later, it’s not about seeking a high anymore; it’s simply […]
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The U.S. is in the midst of an opioid epidemic. According to the American Society of Addiction Medicine, 18,893 people died from prescription painkiller overdose and 10,574 died from heroin overdose in 2014 alone. Bills are being written and laws passed to help combat this onrush of death and destruction, and at the heart of […]
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Drug Addiction and Denial

Drug Addiction and Denial

Drug addiction can be a slippery slope. What starts out as a way to unwind or party on the weekends slowly creeps into the rest of the week, until you’re using drugs or alcohol every day. No one wants to admit that they’re addicted. I’m not a drunk, they rationalize. I hold down a steady […]
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Dry January In the U.K

Dry January In the U.K

In the U.K., some Brits celebrate the new year by abstaining from alcohol for the entire month of January. Starting in 2012, the British organization Alcohol Concern sponsored the first Dry January, a challenge to stop drinking alcohol during the month of January. According to the organization, over two million people participated in Dry January […]
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Alcohol and Breast Cancer

Alcohol and Breast Cancer

Alcohol inflicts unimaginable harm upon the body, including the risk of certain cancers. According to the National Cancer Institute, over one hundred studies have researched the link between alcohol and breast cancer risk, and have found that drinking more alcohol is connected to a higher risk for breast cancer. A paper which analyzed the results […]
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Sharing Your Recovery Story

Sharing Your Recovery Story

At some point along the recovery journey, you may find that you’re ready to share your story with others, especially those just starting treatment in an addiction recovery center or feeling discouraged after a relapse. Sharing your story is an incredible way to reach out to people, inspire others, forge connections, and remind yourself of […]
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Self-Regulation and Addiction

Self-Regulation and Addiction

People suffering from alcohol or other drug addiction often struggle with emotional self-regulation, which encompasses a person’s ability to recognize and modify their emotional state. A critical skill in times of trouble, emotional self-regulation allows people to think through their behaviors and their consequences before acting. Many drug rehab centers help clients to develop self-regulation […]
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Low Self-Esteem and Addiction

Low Self-Esteem and Addiction

What causes someone to become addicted to drugs or alcohol? Researchers estimate that up to 40% of a person’s proclivity for addiction is decided by genetics, with environment and other factors making up the difference. One environmental factor that could sway a person toward addiction is low self-esteem. Someone with low self-esteem may have grown […]
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Sober Activities

Sober Activities

After leaving an addiction treatment center for the first time, the hours of time previously spent getting high, going to the bar, or tracking down a dealer are suddenly free. Whole mornings, afternoons, and evenings await, begging to be filled. But with what? In the grip of a drug addiction, people often lose sight of […]
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