
Is it Possible to Drink in Moderation?

Is it Possible to Drink in Moderation?

Is it Possible to Drink in Moderation?

When a person chooses to drink, their definition of moderation may be different from  yours. Some may consider one or two drinks a day acceptable, while others may feel it’s only appropriate to drink once a week, or only on special occasions.


Drinking is something that can push families and friends apart. It breaks up relationships because people have differing opinions about it. Infrequent and sometimes even moderate drinking can be harmless. Occasional glasses of red wine can even be healthy, but when drinking becomes extreme, it can ruin someone’s life.


The problem is that sometimes it’s hard to know if a person really has a drinking problem or not. It can be even harder if you are the person in question. People with self control of steel can often drink semi-regularly, but yet still prevent themselves from being controlled by the alcohol. They’ll settle for one or two drinks when they’re out with friends on the weekend, or they’ll enjoy a glass of wine before bedtime, but they’re not dependant on the substance.


The problem with drinking in moderation, is that sometimes a person can appear dependant to those around them, or may even be dependant, but not realize it themselves. These are the people who can’t function without their regular drink. It becomes like morning coffee to them, though they likely drink it at a different time of day. At this point, they may be starting to be controlled by the substance and may need to seek help.


If a person has decided that they have a problem, and want to reduce their usage of alcohol, their ideal first step is to be properly evaluated by a professional at a medical clinic or addiction recovery center. This professional can help them decide if their moderate drinking is really alcoholism, or just something they do occasionally.


Some people really want to avoid visiting a professional and might want to try to stop on their own first. Their family may be able to help by not bringing alcohol into the house, and by helping them avoid going to events that will be serving liquor. Since the family is holding them accountable, the person will have an easier time saying no, because they don’t want to disappoint their family. If they find themselves still drinking, and trying to hide it from their family, they can be fairly certain that they have an actual problem and should definitely see a professional.


Other people may find that they simply want to reduce their alcohol consumption. Unfortunately there is usually nothing simple about this. One method is to take note of the time when the urge to drink is felt, and wait a specified time before taking the first drink. This can reduce the quantity that is ingested, or may even allow the urge to pass so the person doesn’t drink at all. Another option is to set parameters around when and where drinking can take place. This may be a time of day, or a location.


Family members can help by not always being available. If a person is hard to get along with while they are drunk or hungover, there is nothing wrong with the family pulling away and making them stand on their own. This is mandatory if any sort of abuse is taking place. This positive and negative reinforcement of behaviour can help someone evaluate how much they drink.


Mild to moderate drinking has its time and place in society, but this should never be at the expense of a family, or a job. Professionals at addiction centers will work with patients who have a desire to limit or completely end their alcohol usage. If the methods attempted alone, or with family haven’t worked, don’t wait for something bad to happen before you go to an addiction center because addiction professionals at Intervention Drug Rehab Association are there to help you, regardless of how serious your situation is.

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