Intervention Association Humble


9802 FM 1960 Bypass Road, #224
Humble, TX 77338


8am – 10pm

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About Our Location

Addiction is one of the most destructive diseases you can endure. If you need help, it is okay. Don’t feel ashamed to reach out. Intervention Drug Rehab Association of Humble has helped countless individuals just like you. We understand that it can be difficult to give up your addiction, but our network of providers will help ease your transition into sobriety. Change is always possible. Take this chance to change your life forever.

Our network of providers will take the time to understand your personal history of addiction. This disease takes a serious toll on the mind and body, but not everyone experiences the same side-effects. Some suffer from depression, mood swings, disorientation, or nausea. Others experience seizures, are susceptible to infections, suffer from paranoia, or hallucinations. The list of side-effects goes on, and the variations depend on each individual’s history of addiction. Intervention Drug Rehab Center, Humble will develop a customized treatment plan that will specifically address your needs. When you contact us for help, an intake coordinator will be assigned to you. Your intake coordinator will ask you a series of questions that pertain to your condition. Your responses will help us develop a better understanding of your addiction. Depending on the severity of your disease, you will either be placed into a 30, 60, or 90 day treatment plan.

We use dual diagnosis methods to treat your addiction. This disease takes a toll on the mind and body of the affected individual. It is important that we comprehensively address each side-effect, so that you are properly taken care of. Intervention Drug Rehab, Humble will restore your physiological and psychological processes.

You deserve a stress free recovery. Intervention Addiction Treatment Center, Humble will make sure that your recovery process is tranquil and comfortable. Each and every one of our patients are equipped with a variety of beneficial amenities. Some of these luxurious conveniences include 24 hour access to a fitness center that is located on site, a personal chef who will provide you with three freshly prepared meals at your liking, and reliable transportation to and from your addiction treatment center. Our drug rehab center is here to help make your transition successful and efficient.

Intervention Drug Rehab Center, Humble will not let you leave unprepared. Our network of providers offers a mixture of professional preparation services. You will be offered the chance to engage in simulated interviews, resume preparation workshops, budgeting practices, and employment search assistance seminars. Many have found these tools very useful. We strongly encourage that you take advantage of this opportunity.

Our unparalleled network of experts will take care of everything for you. Intervention Drug Rehab Association of Humble is here to help you. No matter how many times you may stumble through your journey, we will always be there to help get you back up. Take back control of your life with help that is not only professional but also compassionate. The sooner you reach out to us, the sooner we can start assisting you. Sobriety is possible!


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