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The Dangers of Home Detoxing

The Dangers of Home Detoxing

The Dangers of Home Detoxing

Detoxing 101

Those who suffer from drug and alcohol addictions usually need to go through a detox process, which focuses on the physical damages that addiction leaves behind in the body. Detoxing relieves the body of toxic chemicals without experiencing any painful withdrawals that are associated with addiction. At Intervention Drug Rehab Association, our experienced clinicians assist clients with a clinically managed detox for a painless and stress free start to their addiction treatment program.


Why Location Matters

Many of those who suffer from addiction want nothing more than to recover in the comfort of their own home; however, recovery from home is not always the best option. There are “at-home” recovery programs that promote “affordable” and “quick” results, and as appealing as that may be, these programs do not fully understand the characteristics of addiction. Addiction is a severe disease that affects the mind, body, and soul, and requires special attention for those who struggle with substance abuse. In addition, detoxing without the proper care can be dangerous. By self detoxing, you can experience chills, nausea, diarrhea, hallucinations, seizures, and depression. These symptoms of withdrawal vary, as they depend on your history and current struggle with addiction. Intervention Drug Rehab Association offers a safe environment and a professional staff to assist with a clinically managed detox.


What is the Difference?

The difference between a clinically managed detox and an at home detox is the fact that you will have round-the-clock care and supervision. Nurses and clinicians will always make sure that you are comfortable and that your body is detoxing in a healthy manner. You cannot have constant attention at home and you also have higher chances of relapsing because of the free access you have to substances. Detoxing is not just about isolation, getting “clean” without pain, or being managed. It is about having support, focusing on yourself, and staying committed to the decision of becoming sober in a healthy way. Aside from detoxing, you will also need therapeutic treatment, which you cannot receive at home.


Start Now!

You have already done one of the hardest parts of addiction recovery and that is admitting that you need help. Of course, the journey to stay committed to your new and healthy life might be difficult. Intervention Drug Rehab Association has everything you need to take your next necessary steps to becoming sober. Starting with a clinically managed detox, your body will soon feel relief without having to experience the painful symptoms of withdrawals. Call Intervention Drug Rehab Association today, and an intake coordinator will be more than happy to resolve any of your concerns about detoxing. Dont fall into the “at home detoxing” scheme and get the proper, and safe care that you should have. Our clinicians, nurses, and therapists will be extremely gentle and understanding toward your specific needs. Intervention Drug Rehab Association is a luxury drug rehab facility where the start of your new life can begin.

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