
What are Smart Drugs and Why are They Dangerous?

What are Smart Drugs and Why are They Dangerous?

What are Smart Drugs and Why are They Dangerous?

What are smart drugs? Are these the kinds that make you smart? Technically these are brain stimulants that help improve cognitive processes such as memory, attention, and executive functions so, yes. These drugs can improve brain activities thus make you appear “smart.”


Originally, these are called nootropics from the Greek words neuro (mind) and trepein (to bend) and work primarily to correct neural imbalances. They were intentionally developed to address mental disorders due to imbalanced chemical production such in the case of ADHD but their ability to improve mental capabilities among healthy individuals gained them a new reputation especially in the academe.


Aside that they can stabilize certain mental conditions, they’re also found to be effective in enhancing academic and professional performance induced by enhanced energy, excitement, attention, and improved memory.


This caused for certain smart drugs such as modafinil, methylphenidate and amphetamine FDA approval that allowed them university acceptance as a learning aid especially during periods when high academic performance is expected.


How They Work


The brain functions in complicated processes that involves transmissions of signals and chemical reactions that result in performance abilities. Our brain naturally have circuits that stimulate each other to process information  even when no new stimulants are present. However, when we get stressed or tired, these circuits worn out thus diminishes their productivity. This translates to low ability of the brain to make connections which leads to reduced ability in terms of reasoning, creating connection among concepts, understanding ideas or in making judgments.


These smart drugs counter these effects by working as stimulants that excite these circuits to bring neural activities into an optimal state. So, he usual ability of the brain is doubled helping more students perform better. Interestingly, studies also show that under these drugs, users find working pleasurable.


Adverse Effects


Though they definitely cause improved performance, these drugs do not transform the brain into an improved state, which means that usage will never translate to higher IQ levels and the effects are always temporary.


These drugs only yield positive results during the periods that they are taken. They make neural chemicals work double to deliver optimal results. Once the usage stops, the normal brain activity resumes and withdrawal from these drugs can produce symptoms similar to drug abuse and dependency such as depression, fatigue, and lack of focus.


Despite lack of enough studies on their long term effects, experts are one in saying that these drugs’ worst drawback is state dependent learning. This is a psychological condition wherein the brain is unconsciously formed to believe that it can only work effectively under the influence of nootropics.


Psychologists say that this conditioning will then affect one’s self esteem and can potentially lead to drug dependence especially when these drugs only work preferably when taken in therapeutic doses. And because this drug gives the users a feel-good state, there is a huge probability they can be used as recreational drug. There is also a high potential that student users will develop drug dependency converting them to performance maintenance medicines in their professional lives.


If you or a loved one are suffering from an addiction to smart drugs, contact Intervention Drug Rehab Association today, and our helpful intake coordinators will help you find the best addiction treatment program for your needs.

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